Hey we get it sometimes things don't fit or perhaps they aren't exactly what you specified. Well that's cool, we get it. What you need to know is that we are by and large doing print to order for our merchandise now, which means we don't have a direct control in getting it to you. As such time is crucial if you're going to do a return for a defective product.
You have 72 hours from receiving the product to notify us of issues. Please include photos and a brief but detailed description of the product and its problems.
Please make sure that you read the product descriptions closely and understand the sizing as it pertains to you. We get that not everything will fit you as you so desire, but to cut down on a hassle of this we implore you to properly read the description. Everything is sourced before we add it to the shop so you can get the most optimal product that fits your needs.
Absolutely no exchanges!
Returns can take 4 to 6 weeks. Don't get butt hurt about this, it's just the nature of the beast.
Lost or miss-shipped orders. If the order is lost please contact us as soon as possible, time is of the utmost importance here. If you provided the wrong address that's on you, but we will work with you to make sure that after the order is returned we can get it to you.
Above all else don't be a dick when responding to order issues. If you are, expect a 10 to 12 week delay. Why? Because frankly you need to learn a thing or two about patience and being a civil person.